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​手繪胖狗圖案 圓形餐盤

可愛胖狗釉下彩餐盤Cute fat dog underglaze ceramic dinner plate 可愛胖狗是一隻小八哥犬,短短小小的身體努力端坐著,身上是淺棕色的短毛 可愛的小肚皮是粉白色,小小的眉眼、鼻子與小耳朵是深黑色,胖的太無奈 的表情非常生動,身上肥肥的垂肉禁不住地心引力垂落到地上,讓人非常懷疑 牠可以站得起來嗎? 這樣可愛的圖案做成花紙,做成釉下彩貼在餐盤上。 不知道肥成圓滾滾的小八哥能不能阻止你的食慾?? Cute fat dog underglaze ceramic dinner plate The cute fat dog is a little pug with a short and small body sitting hard, with light brown short hair. The cute little belly is pink and white, and the little eyebrows, nose and ears are dark black. The fat is too helpless. 'S expression is very vivid, and the fat and fat body can't help falling to the ground due to gravity, which makes people very suspicious Can it stand up? Such a cute pattern is made into paper, made of underglaze color and pasted on the dinner plate. I don't know if the fat and round little starling can stop your appetite?
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